Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cleaning out my purse always makes me feel like the twisted, messy, indie version of Mary Poppins.

If you've ever seen my purse, you know it has a lot of stuff in it.

A LOT of stuff.

I know I have some sort of mental thing that makes me a constant, ridiculous pack rat, but even I had no idea that I'd gotten to this low (or heavy, because all this stuff has been carried around with me for at least the last month or so) point.

The following is a comprehensive list of what I found when I cleaned out my purse.

1. planner
2. notebooks
1. sketchbook
4. coffee/tea sleeves
1. set of keys
22. crayons
7. miscellaneous wrappers
1. set of secret numbers from my brother
1. note with the time of the sunrise (7:37AM) and sunset (4:29PM) and the cost of ice skating on winter solstice
1. empty box of tic tacs
11. loose tic tacs inhabiting the base of my purse
1. thank you note that I should have delivered 2 months ago
2. green bandaids
1. emergency kit, including but not limited to:
  • tide stick
  • serving kit
  • AA battery
1. Art for India flyer
1. ziploc bag that once contained a sandwich
1. note with the cost of replacing the water pump and EGR on my car (ouch)
1. piece of receipt paper with my manager's favorite movies written on it, to be added to the psychological profile
1. broken arm from a pair of sunglasses. No, I don't know where the rest of the pieces are.
3. cough drops
1. iTunes pick of the week (Josh Groban)
3. rings
1. napkin
1. flower off of a headband
3. receipts
1. piece of paper from a game of telephone pictionary that took place at least 2 months ago
1. piece of backing from a chair at the tea house
1. headband
2. blue binder clips
1. tiny cross from a sermon illustration
5. pencils
5. black pens
1. green pen that actually belongs to Sarah
2. Sharpies, neither of which are mine, and neither of which I intend to return
1. coffee bean
11. bobby pins
1. piece of strawberry candy from a store greeter
1. cap to a blue pen (but no blue pen)
1. tiny plastic bag
1. checkbook, which includes yet another bandaid, receipt, and also a little paper bag, and a note with names of people I want to hang out with on it
1. bottle cap
1. piece of wax paper, I have no idea where it came from
1. piece of receipt paper with a reminder of which showing of the Nutcracker to go to
1. dollar bill
$1.02 in change
1. Burts Bees chapstick
1. bottle of Japanese Cherry Blossom shea butter hand cream
1. wallet with:
  • money
  • more receipts
  • the key to Adam and I's secret language
  • more coffee punch cards than I care to admit
1. tea tin with 2 tea bags

and it took a total of 5 pages in my Moleskine notebook to write everything down.

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