Sunday, April 8, 2012

Movies Ryan Gosling shouldn't be in.

My brother and I are both 100% on the Ryan Gosling fan club list. Honestly, who isn't, at least a little bit? Tonight we were talking about how awesome it would be to see Ryan Gosling in a wider range of films - and my brother tried to say there were some movies he shouldn't be in. I vehemently disagreed, and almost made this blog post into a list of movies Ryan Gosling SHOULD be in. This includes but is not limited to: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pride and Prejudice (hel-lo Mr. Darcy), and The Princess Bride. However, that list is longer than I'm willing to type out, so I went the other route and am writing a *short* list (with said brother's help) of the few movies Ryan Gosling wouldn't make exponentially better.

1. Bambi, for obvious reasons. Even though it would be truly awesome to hear him say "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything else at all" because I'm sure it would resonate straight down to the heart of even the most jaded cynic, it would significantly reduce his street cred.

2. The Hobbit, mostly because he would be limited to a dwarf, a wizard, shady guys from Lake Town, or a dragon. Though dwarfs are notorious for being surprisingly charming, I can't bear the thought of him being half my height.

3. High School Musical. Even though he's great when he sings (Blue Valentine, anybody?), he would be a teacher that bursts into song and choreographed dance about his feelings - nobody wants to see him ruined like that. Not even choir and a capella geeks, and I am a diehard a capella fan.

4. The Brady Bunch. Fighting over hairbrushes, attics, or who has to wash the dog? Nooooo thank you. Or he could be Mr. Brady in his flared corduroy pants... actually, maybe that's not such a terrible idea.

5. Fiddler on the Roof. Mostly because it physically pains me to imagine him 75 lbs heavier singing "If I were a rich man..."

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