Thursday, September 16, 2010

A single 18 year old's thoughts on marriage. Yes, you can laugh.

Many of you have probably heard my über rational and practical plan to marry my mechanic.

Writing this feels somewhat awkward because I’m currently sitting in the office of his shop, and he’s standing about three feet away.

But I digress.

The plan exists (a. because my car is a piece of crap, and it would really save me insane amounts of money to be married to someone who would HAVE to fix it for free, and (b. because it feels safer to have an option that I can control. I mean, all I would have to do is bring in a batch of my cinnamon rolls and say “HEY, so I make these, and also killer peanut butter brownies, and you already know my name and have spent almost as much time in my car as I have, so let’s just get hitched.” and he would say, after trying the cinnamon rolls, “Yeah, alright.”  And we would just go on like that, him fixing cars and me teaching and him fixing my car (for free) and me driving it.

Now, all of you romantics out there are probably starting to hate me right about now. You’re probably disgusted that I say getting married simply because it’s practical is a viable option. You’re probably starting to think that I don’t believe in marriage or love or soul mates.

The thing is, I DO, I just don’t believe it’s a given. I don’t believe it’s one of those things you can simply EXPECT to happen.

Because if you’re not planning on marrying someone for completely sensible reasons, you’re probably planning on falling in love with someone, which assumes that someone will fall in love with you.

And it just seems a little narcissistic to me to saunter around thinking “Uh huh, so someday someone is going to fall so in love with me that they’re going to want to spend the rest of their life with me, and make me the most important person in their life. Oh, and also buy me roses.”

I’m sick of the world taking marriage and love for granted.

So I don’t anymore. I just trust that either love will happen, like magic, or that my mechanic will really like cinnamon rolls.


Actually, there’s a plan C, too. That’s the one where I don’t ever get married, I just teach for a while and save money so that I can adopt a little boy from Africa, and he will be 6‘9” and play basketball for Rajon Rondo when he is coaching the Chicago Bulls.


  1. Jaz, I love it. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

  2. That was pretty histerical. Nice work!

  3. Hi Jazmin, found this off of facebook and decided to respond.

    I found this in a book I was reading that I believe applies, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - John Eldredge - Wild at Heart -.

    God has shown me to do what is written on my heart, how? is a faithless question, a theme that is found in almost every book of the bible.
    When I am spent and believe I can't go any further I say to myself, " I have no idea how this is going to happen or be accomplished, but I know that it is to be." and I have gone further than I ever thought possible.

  4. i love that wierd to say after reading your blog about love and marriage? too soon, too soon. you provided a lot of perspective in a light-hearted and clever way. anything mentioning sports, and food, when discussing the topic marriage, is a well rounded piece of work.


  5. Jaz, continue to write I am now a faith follower of your blog!
